SAFIRE may help you to find fundings for flying on our aircraft. Here is a non-exhaustive list of funding possibilities for your measurement campaigns:
- Funding for good projects as well as for aducation purpose (join en existing project)
- Typically 10h funded (depending on the request)
- To apply for SAFIRE aircraft, the Principal Investigator must work in a non-French institute.
Here are some projects linked to the Institut national des sciences de l'univers (CNRS-INSU) - deadline is generally before end of September : LEFE, PNTS, ECO2CO... LEFE (les Enveloppes Fluides et l'Environnement) is the main source of funding for flight hours for environment in the public
- Every year, CNES makes a call for proposals in direction of space research laoratories. Proposals in Earth science, Environment and Climate are examinated by the TOSCA (Terre, Océan, Surfaces continentales, Atmosphère) with a section inbolving a possibility for funding flght hours. Ther are often links with LEFE projects.
National funding. Association with a private entity is generally appeciated.
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