Safire has embedded 13 students from Toulouse and their teachers for airborne parctical work; on Wednesday 22 November 2017, the SAFIRE ATR42 had 3 scientific flights for a "from inside" experience of the atmosphere and its measurement aboard an instrumented aircraft.
For many years, students from the Master 2 "Continental surfaces, Oceanographic and Climate" (M2SOAC) of the Ecole nationale de la météorologie (INPT-ENM) and University Paul Sabatier (UFT-UPS) have been flying with SAFIRE. This training program includes an original module of initiation to airborne research. This year, the students were welcomed in the beginning of the week at the SAFIRE base, on the Toulouse-Francazal airport; they followed a training on flights-management and security, instrumentation and data processing. In parallel, they could follow the meteorological situation in oreder to design, in collaboration with the teams of SAFIRE, templates for the flights expected. On Wednesday, conditions were good to have all flights, and as soon as on Thursday small groups were beginning to study the data collected under the special topic they had chosen.
Their work has been presented on Tuesday, 27 November to the teachers and to the Safire collaborators who were very interested by the results of this mini-project with those who will be, for some of them, users of Safire